4 Types of Preventive Maintenance: Usage-Based, Predictive, Condition-Based and Risk-Based

Learn about four types of preventive maintenance: usage-based, predictive, condition-based & risk-based. Understand how IoT & CMMS help.

4 Types of Preventive Maintenance: Usage-Based, Predictive, Condition-Based and Risk-Based

In recent years, new technologies have enabled us to predict equipment failure with unprecedented accuracy. This has led to the emergence of four main types of preventive maintenance. All of them are based on the concept of planned maintenance, although they are organized and scheduled differently, depending on the purpose of the business. Usage-based preventive maintenance is triggered by the actual use of an asset. This type of maintenance takes into account the average daily use or exposure to environmental conditions of an asset and uses it to forecast a deadline for a future inspection or maintenance task. Predictive maintenance is designed to schedule corrective maintenance actions before a fault occurs.

First, the team must determine the condition of the equipment to estimate when maintenance should be performed. Then, maintenance tasks are scheduled to prevent unexpected equipment failures. It is important to note that predictive maintenance is a more evolved form of preventive maintenance. Both types try to proactively anticipate and prevent mechanical failures. However, predictive maintenance takes the concept even further.

With preventive maintenance, we can use general information about a make and model of machine to formulate rough estimates of when regular maintenance should be performed on it. On the other hand, predictive maintenance requires a larger amount of data. Information about the expected lifecycle of that equipment model is combined with historical data about the performance of that particular unit. This allows operators to know with certainty when system failures will occur and reduces unnecessary repairs. Predictive maintenance thrives alongside IoT.

Since machines generate constant updates on their activities and conditions, predictive maintenance models now obtain the abundance of data they need to produce accurate forecasts. Empower your IT and OT leaders with essential information on remote monitoring, asset health, and predictive maintenance to ensure your business never stops. Condition-based monitoring involves looking at the state of the asset to identify what type of maintenance it requires and when it requires it. You would look for signs of an imminent failure, which would indicate that it is time to perform a tune-up to maintain its functionality at an optimal level. Risk-based maintenance applies the Pareto principle, also known as the 80-20 rule. According to this principle, 80 percent of faults come from 20 percent of causes.

As such, you should focus on these areas to minimize malfunction. Preventive Maintenance software comes in all shapes and sizes - from extremely specialized systems to giant platforms that connect Maintenance with other business units. As with all types of Maintenance, relying solely on preventive Maintenance has potential drawbacks. In addition, using a preventive Maintenance plan as a guide keeps the team focused on the task and ensures that Maintenance is performed when needed. Some common examples of preventive Maintenance tasks include regular cleaning, lubrication, parts replacement and equipment repairs. Creating a preventive Maintenance program will help ensure proactive Maintenance instead of resorting to expensive reactive Maintenance if equipment starts to fail unexpectedly. Join more than 14,000 maintenance professionals who receive monthly CMMS advice, industry news, and updates.

Preventive and preventive maintenance are two terms that are used a lot in maintenance and are sometimes used interchangeably.

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