How Often Should You Tune-Up Your AC Unit? - An Expert's Guide

The general rule when it comes to the frequency of air conditioning (AC) adjustments is once a year. However, if you have an older unit in your home, it's recommended that you get it ready twice a year. We recommend scheduling an annual tune-up in spring and anothe

How Often Should You Tune-Up Your AC Unit? - An Expert's Guide

The general rule when it comes to the frequency of air conditioning (AC) adjustments is once a year. However, if you have an older unit in your home, it's recommended that you get it ready twice a year. The older the unit, the more love and care it will need to ensure that it can last through the warm summer months. To help your AC unit and all of its moving parts work as they should, we suggest scheduling at least one annual tune-up.

This service, which is sometimes referred to as “clean and check”, is best done every spring, before the cooling season begins. If you live in a warmer climate or make heavy use of the system, consider scheduling a second regular maintenance visit during peak season to keep the system performing at a high level for the rest of the year. If it's been longer than usual between annual adjustments, your system may start to show signs that it's time to call your local Carrier dealer. There is no need for someone to come every other month.

However, checking your unit a couple of times a year can be beneficial in a number of ways. We recommend scheduling a tune-up in spring and another in autumn. These biannual maintenance checks can help fix small problems before they become serious issues and extend the life of your system. If summer is coming up and your air conditioner hasn't been serviced recently, a Carrier HVAC dealer can quickly and easily estimate the cost of air conditioning service and schedule your annual maintenance. Some air conditioning companies offer a more comprehensive service with the stated performance guarantees, while others offer a more basic service at a special price to generate new business. In conclusion, it is important to remember that regular maintenance of your AC unit is essential for its longevity and performance.

We recommend scheduling an annual tune-up in spring and another in autumn for optimal performance. If you have an older unit or live in a warmer climate, consider scheduling two tune-ups per year. If you haven't had your AC serviced recently, contact your local Carrier dealer for an estimate and to schedule an appointment.

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